Friday, January 08, 2016

The Kraken Wars - Part 1

My friend and fellow Never Drifter Jack Tracker, who publishes the Aeronaut Express, told me some time ago about the idea for a steampunk story he had. I was intrigued by his draft and offered him to publish it online. I haven't heard of it in a while and wondered what happened with the story. Until one day he sent me the full thing - and here we go!

I will publish a new part of The Kraken Wars every Friday over the course of the next months. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I did!

The Kraken Wars

Jacob Elwood linked into the Village Plaza in Never Drift and slowly let himself take in the sights and sounds of the warm spring morning. He took a seat on a bench under the statue of Winged Victory. The smell of the sea, the sun in his face and the sweet sound of birdsong in his ears could have lulled him into an easy complacency. It was the screech of a gull that snapped him out of it and it happened just as his lifelong friend linked in to join him.

She wore a crisp,white dress uniform with the gold stars of a Captain on her collar.
Susan Wayne forbore the usual dress skirt in favor of sharply creased slacks, polished dress boots and a leather belt with a holstered revolver, said revolver being of a respectable caliber.

Jacob rose to his feet and greeted the captain, her handshake was warm and firm.
"Well Captain, shall we"? He motioned toward the door and the woman stopped for a second, "When did you stop calling me Susan," she asked?

"When you started wearing the sidearm."

Jacob opened the door for Susan and they both entered the offices of Sprokit & Kogg Publications.

Jack Tracker had seen his old friend link in to Never Drift from his desk. He rose, poured two mugs of coffee and placed them on the small table in the corner of his office. When he saw Susan link in, he added a third cup and pulled the chair from his desk over to the table.

When the door opened, Jack was already motioning to the table and was holding a chair for Susan Wayne.

"Ever the Gentleman Jack", said Susan with a wide smile.

When his friends were seated, Jack seated himself and picked up his own mug for a long sip. He waited patiently. Jack had learned, a long time back that the best way to get people to speak, was to give them all the time they needed.

It was Susan who finally broke the silence.

"You have heard of the Kraken attacks? They are on the rise, in all the Steamlands and in all corners of the Grid. We are not sure if it is a population explosion of some sort or if they are reacting to some external or internal stimulus. Airships move at a pace that make then vulnerable to Kraken but that does not explain why the attacks are on the increase"

Jacob then said, "What ever the reason, they must be shown the error of their ways.
If they are in any way teachable."

Jack put down his mug and finally spoke, "I noted in the New Babbage Dispatch that two Kraken had attacked a fast packet as it was arriving in the city. It was torn in half before the Tessla Canon on the Palisade wall could be brought to bear, and so, I wonder why you might bring this to my attention.”

Jack returned his attention to his coffee and awaited the reply, which was not long in coming,

Jacob nodded to Susan and said, "You have the floor and Jacks attention."

"My company, Consolidated Airship Transport, will announce shortly that they will offer a bounty on Kraken. We will also provide a moderate stipend to help outfit airships to be armed for the task."

Jack stiffened in his chair. He looked from Susan to Jacob and back. He made a short wave of his hand and said, " I don't need a stipend to outfit a ship. Tell me more about this bounty."

Susan and Jacob both smiled at his response, as they knew that he had a difficult time turning away from a challenge, especially if it had an open ended opportunity for profit.

"Consolidated Airship Transport will pay 250 L$ for proof of every adult Kraken taken. Currently the beak is the most likely form of "proof" that will be accepted. Each Kraken has only one and the beak is an easy way to document the age of the beast.
Do you see any holes in the plan, so far"?

Jack sipped his coffee as he contemplated the dangers and the rewards involved in this scheme. Hunting was not a new endeavor for him. He had learned to hunt large and small game as a boy and as an adult he had sharpened and honed his skills to a fine edge. He had not hunted Kraken, at least not yet. He had studied them, their habits and life cycle, and he had observed them from a distance and been able to outrun a few of them. As a very good cook, he had always wondered how Kraken would taste; tough no doubt, it would require a good marinade.

Jack put down his coffee and broke the lull in the conversation.

"Allow me to make a counter proposal of sorts. I have two Merlin Class Cutters being refitted at the Manchester Yards. Both were former Privateers, aka pirates. I was thinking of using them as a sort of Mercenary Merchant Marine vessels. I would offer them as escorts to small convoys of airships in pirate infested waters and airways for a reasonable fee with a no harm/no foul contract in the case of loosing an airship to being over run with the brutes; with of course no escort fee paid in that case. The bounty would be a bonus and I will remove all the Kraken parts from the scene as I do not wish to litter the grid with decaying carcasses. Does this seem acceptable?"

Jacob Elwood stared at his friend in open mouthed amazement, he had come here expecting to make a hard line argument for the plan and Jack had opened with a plan of his own, in the space of a few minutes. Susan Wayne merely smiled and said, "I believe Consolidated Airhip Transport will find that plan acceptable with only a few small details to be worked out."

Susan rose and both men stood as well. Hand shakes were exchanged all around, then Jacob and Susan left to work out the contract.

Jack returned to his desk and began working on details.


When Jack Tracker arrived at the Manchester Yard he was delighted to find that both of his cutters had been completely refitted. He saw that the hulls and woodwork gleamed in the afternoon sun and the flag of Caledon and his personal ensign was emblazoned on the side of each gas bag,

The yard manager beamed with pride as he read off the last of his checklist.

"The canon have been cleaned and the bores polished, torpedoes checked and the clockwork mechanisms oiled and calibrated, the magazines are full, fuel tanks topped off and all hull rigging double checked and replaced where indicated. May I say they look quite flashy with the new paint you specified. Shipshape and Bristol Fashion, I should say/."

They did indeed, appear to be ready for action, as they swayed to and fro, moored in the gentle breeze. They were to be put to a far better use than their former Captains had placed them.

Consolidated Airship Transport had pounced on his proposal like a hungry cat on a fat mouse. They had been loosing airships and cargo to pirates and Kraken for far too long and it was time for some payback.

The cost for guarding a convoy in a pirate infested section of the grid was 250 L$ for each Cutter with a maximum fleet of 5 airships. Salvage rights on any pirate vessels captured were to be awarded to Mercenary Merchant Marine. Jack was not terribly fond of the idea of slugging it out with air pirates, but the company had been reluctant to write a contract that didn't contain that provision. Jack retained the right to decline for just cause; he was after Kraken.

Night had just fallen as Jack made his way to the Green Door Cafe.
Wyatt Tong served the best Asian food in all of New Babbage. He knew food the way a good pilot knows the sky; all the ins and outs and the spaces in between. His menu never had more than two items on it, but if a dish made it to that page, it was sure to be spectacular. The door to his underground cafe was painted a deep green and blended into the basement well of masonry so completely that if you didn't know about it, you would pass it by and never notice it. That green door had no sign and was always locked. One had to knock and wait for Elder Tong to open the tiny door at eye level.

Maybe you could enter, or you might be told , "No room now, come back later."

The main hall of the Tong Cafe was spacious and richly appointed, but held only five tables with four chairs each. The carpet was a rich asian design and the walls held rare paintings in heavy, gilded, frames. Dinner for four at Wyatt Tongs Cafe could easily cost a months wages for a working man.

That night the door opened and Elder Tong smiled warmly, "Come in Mister Tracker, it is always good to see you."

Wyatt strode from the Kitchen and grasped Jacks hand.

"I have a special dish to share with you tonight. Come back to my office and we will dine and talk. There you will tell me what brings you to my Green Door. Oh, other than my food, of course."

The office of Wyatt Tong held only a few furnishings. The huge desk dominated the room, it was made of a rich dark red wood with ivory inlay and bare except for a gold pen and inkwell and a stack of cream colored stationary. Jack had once asked from what wood the desk was made and Wyatt answered, "Old shipping crates."

There was a table and four chairs in the center of the office.

One wall was covered by a floor to ceiling book case. A large, iron bound trunk sat on a shipping pallet.

Wyatt walked over to the chest and lifted the curved lid. The chest appeared to be filled with half teacups, packed carefully in sawdust. He lifted one of the objects, carefully and reverently.

"This is the nest of a seabird, the very rare, Pelagic Swiftlet. They build this delicate nest in the very tops of huge sea caves. Natives of the islands where the Swiftlets nest, make tall ladders, and when the young birds have flown, they harvest these delicate nests. I purchased this trunk from a seller of curiosities at a good price, but had he known the true value, he could have gotten perhaps a hundred times that. And so, tonight you and I will dine on Bird Nest Soup, for our first course."

The soup was a light broth with what at first looked like noodles and strands of seaweed. The tendrils of pale green sea grass and the gelatinous strands of bird nest made a rich and pungent soup with a delicious combination of flavors.

The main course was grilled turtle steak and tiny bite sized red potatoes followed by a desert of Redberry sorbet.

Over cups of rich, mint tea, Jack asked his old friend what he knew about the flesh of the Kraken.

Wyatt carefully place his cup on its saucer and leaned back in his chair, "Why do you ask me this? You have never spoken of anything like this subject to me before."

Jack then recounted his prior conversations and his agreement to clean up the Kraken bodies and bits as part of the contract. If he had Kraken flesh in heaping piles it would seem that something had to be done with it? Might it be edible? Useful in some other process yet unknown?

Wyatt was thoughtful for several seconds, then he placed his fingertips to his temples, as if to coax the thoughts from his brain: ” The flesh of the Kraken is indeed edible, there are no known ill effects from its consumption. The flesh of the mantle is quite thin for a beast of its size, perhaps 5 MM over most of the body, but incredibly tough. It must be pounded heavily to be tender enough to be eaten. The flavor is very mild with only a hint of fish taste. The tentacles are so tough and fibrous as to be useless."

Then Wyatt stopped and looked at Jack for several seconds. Jack remained quiet and waited for the "but" that he knew was coming.

"However, there are other ways to utilize a resource. Tomorrow I wish to fly with you to a small island in the middle of a large ocean bay. We will visit a small dock complex with some small sheds and buildings. An acquaintance of one of my cousins friends, for a very short time, ran an illegal seal hunting operation there. Seals were hunted for their fur and the tough, oily flesh was shredded and made into pet food. This unfortunate, highly illegal and truly disgusting operation was quickly discovered and the miscreant is now in a Linden Prison. It is my wish that he remain there for a very long time."

Jack was nodding and sipping his tea, "Wyatt, how this pertains to me is very confusing."

Wyatt smiled and winked, "The actual hunting of Kraken is of no interest to me, but you have piqued my interest with the flesh of Kraken you will be collecting. I can obtain this island and its contents for a very small outlay, I simply never had an idea how I might make use of it. The machines there are sealed in crates, but they will process Kraken as easily as the poor, unfortunate seals. I assume that you may have a price in mind for all this Kraken flesh."

Jack didn't hesitate for a second,"Thirty percent of the profit."

Wyatt said, "Fifteen percent of the Net."

Jack countered with, "Twenty percent of the Net and no charge for delivery to this island."


They rose to their feet, each man spit in his palm and they shook hands on the deal.

The island was not only small, it was low, so low as to be just above sea level.
The short, sand runway look up the whole length of what had been generously called an island. The collection of small sheds and buildings were perched on pilings in the sallow waters on the South side of the airstrip,

Jack determined that this speck of land would not be his first choice as a spot to ride out a storm of any magnitude. The buildings and dock seemed to be well built and though weatherbeaten, they were holding up well.

"This place surely looks like it was a home for some of Troubles Favorite Sons. To tell the truth, I am surprised some form of piracy was not involved as well."

Wyatt Tong shook with laughter, "You never heard me say it wasn't. In fact it was what this bunch branched into and what eventually brought Linden Law to their door. The Coast Guard eventually packed all the equipment into crates, sealed them and put them in the buildings on the dock. I can get it all for the taxes owed since the place was shut down."

"I only brought you here to show you that the equipment is here, the island is here and I can be ready for production in thirty days, You can leave this end of the plan to me. I trust you to provide Kraken for me to process. This will work well."

Jack nodded, smiled, and reached into the hull of Kraken Bane and lifted out a small cooler; then they toasted the new, unnamed and un-described business based on the flesh of the Kraken.

The very next day Jack signed the contract with Consolidated Airship Transport and a new company was born; Mercinary Merchant Marine took to the skies with a new feet of Kraken Killer Kutters.

Once Wyatt Tong had actually procured the island and begun setting up his new machinery for the production he intended, Jack could fly Kraken Doom to the island and begin testing his canon and new ammunition on Kraken targets. The targets had been produced on the printing presses of Sprokit and Kogg Publishers and mounted on wood stands. The targets were life size and provided an easy way of testing the ordinance for accuracy and range.

The canon proved themselves Immediately,with killing shots on Kraken out to 50 M in test after test. Velocity fell off rapidly beyond 40 M and it soon became apparent that the guns. though deadly, were short range weapons. Jack was unsure how the clockwork torpedo could be used on Kraken but he had them and could see no reason for their removal. The rounds for the dual canon had been replaced with expanding hollow projectiles that promised to be extremely effective on the unarmored flesh of the Kraken and the magazines of both airships were full, as were the fuel tanks.

Jack would captain Kraken Bane and Jacks younger brother, Phineas Sprokit would captain Kraken Doom. Each captain had selected his crew and said crew were being outfitted with their choice of sidearm and were training on their respective airship.

The first assignment was not long in coming.

The contract details were delivered tp Sprokit and Kogg by express currier and were quite specific, thought Jack, “The game is afoot.”

End of Chapter One.

(c) All text and pictures by Jack Tracker 

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