Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Garrett Wang (Harry Kim) at the Sci-Fi Convention!

The Sci-Fi Con is over and while I am looking back at a beautiful, well-organized and very friendly event (ok, there must have been a few incidents between different fan-groups, but nothing I am aware of), I have one last goodie for you:

A video of the Q & A Session with Garrett Wang (Voyager's Harry Kim at the SL Sci-Fi Con!

During the two-and-a-half hour recording Wang talks (amongst other things) about his time at Voyager, fan-produced films and reprising his role in the MMO Star Trek Online.
And yes, it is no fake! I was following the Facebook thread about getting him into Second Life for appearing at the Con and I couldn't really believe it, until a few days later it happened!
Sadly due to time-zones (and I assume that might have been the case for more of us) I was not able to participate the Q & A so right now I am listening to it for the first time too.

A really exciting and kind move of Wang to participate in the fun and many thanks to him and Steve Atlanta who established the contact and got him in.

There is also a audio-version of the session available at Soundcloud.

Sci-Fi Convention Blog

Sci-Fi Alliance at Facebook

Edit: I just finished listening to the audio and found it very entertaining and interesting too. Wang was absolutely unpretentious and friendly and gave a lot of insight about his time in Voyager. He also wasn't shy of giving his opinions on Star Trek's back-then producer Rick Berman or J. J. Abrams 2nd Star Trek film. There was clearly somebody speaking who is as passionate about Star Trek as its fans.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Here They Come!

Is there a better way for a title when you write about start of the Sci-Fi Convention than with a quote from our favourite space opera? I don't think so!

The opening of the Convention is now only a few hours away and I am positively quite excited! I made a little stroll around the sims the other day and my first impression is very, very good.
You don't have to believe me though - just take a look at the pictures I received:

Courtesy Lani Global

Courtesy Lani Global

Courtesy Lani Global

Courtesy Lani Global

For my own plot at the exhibition I had a very special idea: Since I have so many large ships to show and since one already would pretty much fill the parcel, I decided to have rezzer-system instead which lets visitors pick what they want to see! Emma did - as always - a fantastic job. Not simply scripting, but scripting it in a way that it is pretty easy to set up the scenes - wonderful!

Always an impressive view: the Cerberus-Class Cruiser,

...something more peaceful: The Daedalus...

...and the mighty Prometheus-Class!

See you at the Convention! Here is your taxi to the Drow Science parcel - enjoy!

P.S. Steam-Gonk loves you all!

Gonk, gonk, goooonk!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Sci-Fi Convention 2016

This years SL Sci-Fi Convention is just a few days away now. Yay!

So far the Sci-Fi convention has grown bigger and better every year and I am looking forward how it will be this time. It is also pretty cool to be part of it, I have to add. It is one of the occasions where the community can show what they are capable of and present their vision of the future.

The convention will start on March 18 and will go till the 27th. Though for me and the other exhibitors it will kind of start already in two days, when the building period on the sims begins.

For more information, please visit their blog. See you there!

Friday, March 11, 2016

The Kraken Wars - Epilogue


Time passed more slowly after the  Cobalt Brotherhood abandoned their underwater base. The few Kraken that had been left behind, showed a listless quality and were easily collected. Without the stimulation by the Marconi Receptive Leaf, they gradually became lass and less a terror threat.

The Cobalt Brotherhood seemed to have abandoned Piracy by Kraken, and if they had undertaken any other form of larceny, it remained unknown.

Air Piracy was still a matter of concern to Consolidated Airship Transport.

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

New Gadget: Mad Scientist's Backpack

Sometimes inspiration comes from out of the blue. It can be something you have seen or heard the other day, a memory, or it jumps kinda in your face - like in the case of my Mad Scientist's Backpack!

Please meet the Mad Scientist's backpack!

Half of the inspiration for it comes from this fun little trailer here with cute and nerdy (and pretty mad) scientists:

The other half was induced by the theme for last Saturday's Z&A dance: Weird Science!

I guess its no surprise that something in my brain clicked. And it was so much fun to build and dressing up myself for the party - and actually wearing it that night!
I might have went a bit mad with adding more and more fun things to it - including an authentic steampunk license plate!

You can pick up the Mad Scientist's Backpack now at the Marketplace and at the Drow Science Showroom!

Saturday, March 05, 2016

The Kraken Wars - Part 9

Archangel Finds the Base

The high speed Zeppelin flew at an altitude of 21,000 feet. Her crew wore specially heated flight suits and their full face masks supplied them with an atmosphere fortified with oxygen. Her powerful engines were silenced and an array of colored lights on her belly could be varied to make her nearly invisible from the surface.  The camera system in her gondola was top secret and could read the traffic signs on a road at her current altitude. Every aspect of this craft was classified, top secret and every one of her assets was trained on the patch of sea floor below.